Mobile Addiction: Symptoms, Causes and How to Overcome

In today’s modern and technological era, mobile addiction is a big problem in which we unknowingly get trapped like a fish in a net. As our dependence on smartphones increases, we gradually get trapped in it. Which impacts our daily routine, thinking, understanding, behavior, friendship and other important relationships. Therefore, to make our life happy, we have to recognize mobile addiction and control these habits and also solve these problems.

What is mobile addiction?

Mobile addiction occurs when individuals focus excessively on their mobile devices and treat them as if they are an integral part of our lives and neglect other major aspects of our lives.

Common behaviors associated with mobile addiction include: constantly checking messages and notifications even when unnecessary, overusing or spending excessive time on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Avoiding other responsibilities or using the phone to escape, without feeling restless and irritable. Feeling anxious when separated from the phone or device.

Reasons for mobile addiction: If we understand and consider these reasons, it can help us deal with addiction:


Internet is important as long as it fulfills our needs, but due to some of our habits we unknowingly make the Internet our enemy and the convenience of the Internet becomes our addiction. The sheer amount of content available on online platforms can lead to addiction.

Negative effects of mobile addiction and many side effects of mobile addiction:

When we become overly conscious of our mobile phones, due to anxiety and fear of missing out (FOMO) and the response to constant notifications, our brain behaves exactly as if we are in danger and our body becomes stressed. . goes. When signaled as a threat, our brain secretes the pituitary gland, causing our body to produce corticotropin releasing hormone. Which is transported throughout our body through the nervous system. After that, signals are sent to the adrenal glands and adrenaline and cortisol are produced. Adrenaline increases the speed of our breathing process and pulse rate. This prepares our nerves which are capable of protecting ourselves from the danger facing us. At the same time, cortisol increases the amount of blood glucose and dopamine in our body, due to which we get charged and ready to fight problems. Although this stress is good for us and useful for our safety, our repetitive reactions lead us to stress again and again, creating a constant state of stress that is harmful to our health.

Constant stress causes depression and the hormones needed to prevent this depression also stop being produced. Due to which we also see other consequences like irritability, insomnia, anxiety and high blood pressure.
Excessive use of phone affects personal relationships to a great extent.

How to get rid of mobile addiction?:Here are some important tips to get rid of mobile addiction:

Put your phone away: Set specific times to use your phone, turn off notifications and keep it out of reach while you do other important tasks.
Turn off your phone: Turn off your phone regularly or put it on silent.
Set time limits: Use apps or built-in features to limit screen time.
Spend quality time with family: Prefer face-to-face interactions over virtual interactions.
Take up outdoor activities: Take up outdoor hobbies to reduce screen time.
Live in the present: Practice meditation and be present in the present.
Remember, overcoming mobile addiction is a gradual process. Small changes can lead to significant improvements in mental and physical health.

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